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We are a small team of American Military Veterans and Military family members that have a great appreciation and respect for those who serve our country. Between us, we have over 32 years working with or directly supporting Operators in a variety of capacities in the war zone and domestic field. With our brothers and their loved ones, we've celebrated victories, withstood tragedies together, and continue to grow as a family. While our primary focus is handcrafting products inspired by our U.S. Military brethren, they are for all to enjoy.


When Operators talk, we listen!

Our primary mission is to hand craft high quality beard care products specifically developed for those who serve our country in austere environments. Every beard care product we formulate takes into account extensive feedback and candid recommendations by Operators currently serving world wide. We figure if we make beard care products good enough for beards that have been through the harshness of combat and still look and feel good, imagine the results off the battlefield.


A portion of our proceeds are donated to organizations we trust that support veterans and family members of those in need or who have made the ultimate sacrifice. 

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